About Me - belot design
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BELOT DESIGN is a creative agency specializing in managing brands that offers creative and innovative solutions, as well as support with rigorously implementing key projects on a permanent basis. Since its creation in 2010, our talented team of passionate professionals is led by recognized designer Antoine Belot.


We cooperate with large international groups, as well as innovative SMEs in France, Switzerland and Poland. Our aim is to help brands reinvent their voice/image and identity, thereby maximizing their communications.


Our areas of expertise include all forms of communication, identity creation and redesign, art direction, graphics on any media (print or digital), web design, as well as photography for packaging and post-production.


Our aim is to attract and gain loyalty from an increasingly demanding client base. Belot Design strives to find the right balance for each project in order to achieve success. We believe design should create meaning, value and pleasure.

Collaborative work
